Craig Morrison supervising a student cutting out a custom skateboard

Educational Approaches

Skateboards may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think about education. However, beneath the thrilling tricks and vibrant subculture, skateboards possess a unique potential to engage students across various educational approaches. Skateboard design provide a unique opportunity for educators to engage students in hands-on learning experiences that intersect with a variety of educational approaches. By delving into the world of skateboard design, teachers can tap into disciplines such as Experiential Education, STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), Project-based Learning, and Design Thinking. 

This brief introduction aims to highlight how skateboards relate to a variety of educational approaches and shed light on some popular approaches prevalent in North America, as well as outlines our Education Design Specialist’s approach called Push Pedagogy. By leveraging skateboard design, teachers can foster creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and cultivate a passion for innovation and social justice among their students.

Whether you're an adventurous teacher looking to inject excitement into your classroom or an advocate for alternative education methods, understanding the educational value of skateboards can open up a world of possibilities for inspiring and engaging students in new and exciting ways. 

Let's explore the educational potential of skateboards as a powerful vehicle for teaching and learning:

  • Skateboard design is deeply intertwined with the principles of experiential education through the concept of learning by doing. By engaging learners in a hands-on, active process of designing and building their own skateboards, this approach fosters direct experience, reflection, and meaningful connections to real-world applications. Through the process of shaping the board, selecting materials, and assembling components, participants are encouraged to explore their creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities. This experiential approach promotes self-directed learning, as individuals navigate challenges, make decisions, and witness the tangible results of their efforts. By designing and customizing their skateboards, skaters and creators can actively participate in the process, making informed decisions and learning from the outcomes, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of skateboarding and its underlying principles. Furthermore, it encourages collaboration and communication among participants, allowing for the exchange of ideas, feedback, and shared learning experiences. Overall, skateboard design serves as a powerful tool for experiential education, empowering learners to develop valuable life skills, enhance their understanding of design principles, and embrace the joy of hands-on learning.

  • Skateboard design offers an engaging and practical way to explore and integrate STEM/STEAM concepts. By employing innovative techniques of skateboard building, students can delve into various aspects of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. They can learn about the physics of balance and motion as they analyze the forces at play while skateboarding. The process of designing and constructing a skateboard fosters creativity and artistic expression, allowing students to explore the aesthetics and graphic design elements. Additionally, they gain hands-on experience in engineering principles, understanding the structural integrity and materials used in building a functional skateboard. Mathematics comes into play when measuring and calculating dimensions, angles, and ratios for optimal construction/performance. Overall, skateboard design engages students in a multidisciplinary learning experience that merges STEM/STEAM concepts with a popular and relatable real-world application.

  • Skateboard design is a perfect embodiment of project-based learning, offering an engaging and hands-on approach to education. Through this design process, students are encouraged to actively explore their creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities. They are immersed in a real-world, authentic project where they learn about the principles of physics, and material properties behind skateboard construction. They acquire practical skills such as measuring, shaping, and applying graphics to the skateboard deck, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their creative work. Additionally, this project encourages collaboration, communication, and teamwork as students in groups can exchange ideas, give feedback, and work together towards a common goal. By integrating skateboards into the learning experience, students are empowered by this high-interest object to take ownership of their education, while fostering a deep understanding of the subject matter and cultivating essential skills for the future.

  • Skateboard design aligns closely with Design Thinking principles, as it emphasizes a user-centered and iterative approach to product development. The vacuum bagging technique allows designers to create custom skateboards by laminating then shaping multiple layers of wood veneer. This process encourages designers to empathize with skateboarders, understand their needs and preferences, and ideate creative solutions. Through prototyping and testing, designers continuously refine their designs based on user feedback, promoting a human-centric approach. Do-it-Yourself skateboard building methods enables designers to experiment, iterate, and iterate again, fostering a Design Thinking mindset that prioritizes user satisfaction, innovation, and collaboration.

  • Push Pedagogy is an innovative educational concept invented and practiced by Craig Morrison, the Education Design Specialist (Pedagogy Pro) at Roarockit. This approach represents a unique form of production-based, critical, public pedagogy that revolves around the idea of utilizing objects, particularly skateboard materials, to promote learning and foster social change. Push Pedagogy is grounded in the principles of arts and design production, emphasizing hands-on engagement and public creative expression as powerful tools for education.

    At its core, Push Pedagogy seeks to challenge oppressive systems and promote inclusivity, equity, and diversity within the educational framework. It recognizes that learning extends beyond traditional academic boundaries and classroom walls and can be enhanced through active involvement with physical objects. By using skateboard materials, Push Pedagogy creates opportunities for individuals to move beyond individualism to engage with their community and navigate the world in connected ways.

    The concept of "push" in Push Pedagogy carries a dual meaning. On one hand, it refers to the act of physically pushing oneself on a skateboard, highlighting the importance of personal growth, perseverance, and taking initiative. On the other hand, it signifies pushing against oppressive structures and advocating for social justice. Through this metaphorical pushing, Push Pedagogy aims to empower learners to become agents of change, challenging societal norms and working towards a more inclusive and just society.

    Moreover, Push Pedagogy recognizes the interconnectedness of humans and the natural world, emphasizing the concept of “human + more-than-human entanglements." This perspective acknowledges that human experiences and learning are intricately intertwined with the environment and non-human entities. By incorporating skateboard materials into the educational process, Push Pedagogy encourages learners to develop a deep appreciation for the relationships between humans, objects, and the broader ecological and social context.

    In practice, Push Pedagogy encourages active participation and hands-on learning experiences. It promotes the use of skateboard materials as a medium for creative expression, encouraging learners to design, build, and experiment with various components. This process fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, collaboration and public presentation, while also offering opportunities for self-expression and personal exploration connecting to social movements.

    Through the lens of Push Pedagogy, education becomes a dynamic, moving vehicle for social transformation. By engaging with skateboard materials and the broader concepts of arts and design, learners are moved to not only acquire knowledge but also develop a sense of agency, empathy, and a commitment to social justice. This pedagogical approach emphasizes the importance of learning hands-on through objects, challenging oppressive systems, and creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

By integrating skateboard design into these educational approaches, teachers can tap into students' interests, promote hands-on learning, and foster a deep understanding of concepts across various disciplines. Contact Craig Morrison our Pedagogy Pro to help you explore the educational potential of teaching through skateboards.